Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beautiful roses....

I don't have a lot to say today, other than I feel so sad for the people of Missouri...they are in our hearts and prayers.  Nature can be so cruel and unforgiving. 

And nature can also give us this....

...and this...even the weeds.  (The holes dug by the roses are courtesy of Rocket...our loving, wonderful, spazzy (is that a word) overgrown puppy...)

Which allows me to do this...
And this....
I didn't do anything to my roses this year, other than a very hasty prune job.  They are producing more blooms than ever...so I think Mother Nature is tryng to tell me something....

My daughter stayed home from school yesterday with a sinus infection, so I jumped for joy because that meant I got to stay home as well used the time to finish some of my lampshades.
I LOVE this one.  It looks so adorable in a vignette, sans lamp!  But it also looks amazing with on a lamp, alone, or coupled with another shade.  Yes....lampshade layering...the latest in lamp attire....  ;)

This lamp is vintage...pink, frosted glass.  So stinking cute.  But she was a little shy because she was lacking a shade.  So...I took care of that.   I was inspired by my roses.  Now she is the belle of the ball.  Both of these shades are on my Etsy...take a look! 

And please pray for the people in Missouri.

God Bless....

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's finished!

I'm so excited!  We finally finished my garden house!  I have wanted one of these for years, but they have always come with a hefty price tag.  Being the obessive-compulsive, instant gratification girl that I am, I decided to make one myself.  Hey...I'm a contractor's daughter and I know how to use power tools!  Okay...I'm not allowed to use anything with a blade....yet...  ;)   I did all of the work myself, with the exception of the roof.  My adorable hubby had to help me with that, much to his dismay delight.  He was not terribly optomistic when I started this project, but had to admit that as usual, I was right it turned out perfectly!  I'm planning on selling these on a local basis, by custom order.  I cannot wait to fill it with flowers, candles, and maybe a garden bunny or two...

Now I'm off to work out with my guy, so we can enjoy some fish tacos and margaritas!  The weather here on the Central Coast is absolutely gorgeous today.  I can't wait to soak up some sun this weekend and have a date night.  Hope you have the most fabulous day!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love to create...

I have friends who ask me how I find the time to sew, create, cook, volunteer...all of the things that I love to do when I'm not working at my "real" job.  The answer is simple...it feels my cup.  My 40 hour a week job, allows me to feel like I'm making a difference in the lives of children other than my own...and helps pay the bills.  But when I get home...creating something beautiful or tasty allows me to feel like I'm making our home a cozy and safe place for my OWN family.  And it helps me debrief...breathe...get away from the sadness and loss of innocence that I witness on a daily basis.  And so, that is how I find the time.  If you have somehow found my blog...thank you for allowing me this indulgence.  In my 8-5 job I hope to give a child at least a moment of comfort and safety.  On this blog...I hope I can add some beauty to a life, whether through a homemade creation or a random thought....

My latest pillow...

If you get a chance...smile at someone you don't know.  You never know what kind of impact you might have...


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Check out my Etsy!

I just added two more items to my Etsy store, AND figured out how to link it to my blog.  I'm not going to mince words...I'm pretty impressed with myself!  Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks?!  ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just a little update....

Here she is, in all of her glory.  Sometimes a pity party can turn into something sweet!  ;)

I'm on Etsy and a little validation...

I finally did it!  I took that leap and started an Etsy site...YIKES!  Now I just have to figure out how to link it to this blog...hopefully that won't take too long for me to figure out...  ;)  I was hoping to have several new pillows, wreaths and necklaces to list, but just as I was finally able to sit down and sew yesterday, my needle broke.  Typical.   I was able to get some flowers made, but I have to admit...I was kind of acting like a big baby.  I finally found my big girl panties stopped throwing a tantrum, put everything away, and had a glass of wine.  And felt much better!  Bought new needles today and will be armed and ready tonight! 

Then I woke up this morning and threw a pity party for myself.  I'm sorry I didn't invite you...it wasn't much fun so don't worry!  ;)  I was wondering if this was just a silly dream on my part, and an exercise in futility.  I said as much to my husband and kiddos...the three of them said the right things to make me stop whining were very sweet and supportive.  Then I got a great message from a sweet friend, reminding me that we all have our place in the world; we all have our own special talent.  Started feeling a little better.  Created the Etsy site and thought I would stick with it for a little longer.  AND THEN...I noticed that I had a comment on my Mother's Day post.  From Lori of http://www.katiesrosecottage.blogspot.com/ and I started screaming.  Lori's is one of the first blogs I found and I have been a follower since.  Her creations are absolutely gorgeous and inspiring.  Her sweet words were so validating and gave me that little boost of confidence that I needed.  Thank you for finding my blog, Lori! 

Every time I have a little pity party for myself, I'm reminded that we ALL have days when we feel a little insecure.  Even those who present as so put together and confident.  And we just have to be gentle with ourselves and cut a little bit of slack.  Everyone has their own special talents and gifts; we can't all be the same...the world would be so boring!  So I will continue to focus on MY dream.  To continue creating and hopefully adding a little bit of beauty to someone's life and home. 

BTW....this was as far as I got yesterday...I can't wait until it's finished!  :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day, spent with your children....biological, adopted, fostered...whatever the circumstances, being a mommy knows no boundaries. 

My hubby and children spoiled me in their very special way!  The big guy brought home the most delicious breakfast burritos and made coffee...I LOVE that!  While he was working his shift, the kiddos cleaned their rooms without complaint, Madison gave me a shoulder massage, and Holden let me watch "chick" flicks without so much as an eye roll!  I also got in some time to create...which is one of the best presents they could have given me. 

Now they are taking me out for a surprise dinner...I can't wait!  I am so lucky that God chose me to be the mommy of Holden and Madison...and led me to Aaron. 

I'll leave you with some pics of the day...

My beautiful Mother's Day flowers and Mommy mail box...

Just a few of things I made today...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Emotional Day...

Yesterday was a very emotional day.  I won't go into detail but will just say this...please let your loved ones know you love them daily.  Life can change in an instant. 

What I do when I'm sad or stressed is....sew.  Here are two of my latest items:

Burlap Flower Pillow...$25

Flower Child Necklace...$27

And I cleaned.  Because that's what I do when I'm stressed.   I had to take a pic for posterity, because our family room so rarely looks like this...

Please excuse the glare...I'm using my little point and shoot.  As for the exposed cords...I've got nothing!  ;)

Monday, May 2, 2011

My first attempt with Picnik and a virtual kick in the pants...

SOOO...I finally worked up the nerve to play around with Picnik and now I'm hooked! I have so much to learn, but hey...we all have to start somewhere, right? 
I just love this picture of the manchild...

...and this one of our beautiful ballerina.

I love how this turned out...

On another note, Miss Mustard Seed just posted about starting a small business on a budget...she must have read my mind!  I have been so intimidated by the process, but after reading her words this morning...I'm ready to go! 

Make it a great day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Remnants of the Past Show

I just experienced my first Remnants of the Past show!  WOW!  It was amazing!  The day was gorgeous with perfect weather, Mom and Dad came over from Tulare to experience it with me, and I got to see some of my "blogland" idols!  Here are a couple of pics!

Mom and Dad, armed with Starbucks!  We had already walked a half mile at this point.  See those trees in the distance?  Yeah...that was our destination!  I'm wondering why we thought the shuttle was only for sissies...!  ;)

Mom found lots of goodies! She REALLY wanted that train case but...it was not for sale!  However, good things come to those who wait and she found a really cool round vintage train case at another booth! I didn't catch this sweet lady's name, but she was a doll!

I absolutely LOVE these pillows! 

There were literally wall to wall people...it was a little hard to move around.  Luckily, every one was in a great mood and didn't mind a little bump here and there...  :)

Me and my partner in crime, aka Mom!

Dad was such a good sport about everything!  He even took pictures for people!  But after undergoing hip replacement surgery only 6 weeks ago, he was grateful for a "guys" place to rest!  For an hour...or two....or three...    He's the man wearing the hat with folded arms in the background...he was trying not to disturb this gentleman's beauty sleep...   ;)

A little "pit stop" before we begin our two mile trek back to the car!  As you can see, Mom found a TON of goodies, including a darling chair that my dad carried all the way back!  I had such a great time and can't wait until the next one in October!  I left there feeling much like how I feel after attending a conference for my "real" job.  Totally invigorated (albeit sunburnt!), excited and inspired!  I can't wait to start making more pillows today! 

Make today great and see ya tomorrow!