Tuesday, July 31, 2012


WOW!  Has it really been that long?!  My how time truly does fly when you're having fun!  Because that's absolutely what I've been having...a whole lot of creative-juice-flowin' fun!  But I have missed this little blog o' mine, and people have asked me...okay, ONE person asked me if I had one, so I figured now was as good a time as any to get this thing up and running again!  LOTS of things to chat about...events, new products, new opportunities...I can't wait to fill you in!  I'm thinking that a giveaway is in order soon, to celebrate the resurrection of this little site and the fact that I was able to figure out how to link Twitter to all of my pages!  All by my little self!  Turns out I'm NOT the ditzy blonde (well...it's a bit more red and gold...strawberry blonde, if you will) that my Calculus professor thought I was.  Yes...he REALLY did say those words to me...in front of the entire class!  I wish I knew then what I know now!  ANYHOO...stay tuned for more details on my little giveaway and how you can enter to win...and then enter again, and then invite a friend and increase your chances even more...you get the picture!

For now...this little birdie has MISSED you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you decided do this. I will be checking back often.

    Creative Hugs,
