WOW! Has it really been that long?! My how time truly does fly when you're having fun! Because that's absolutely what I've been having...a whole lot of creative-juice-flowin' fun! But I have missed this little blog o' mine, and people have asked me...okay, ONE person asked me if I had one, so I figured now was as good a time as any to get this thing up and running again! LOTS of things to chat, new products, new opportunities...I can't wait to fill you in! I'm thinking that a giveaway is in order soon, to celebrate the resurrection of this little site and the fact that I was able to figure out how to link Twitter to all of my pages! All by my little self! Turns out I'm NOT the ditzy blonde ('s a bit more red and gold...strawberry blonde, if you will) that my Calculus professor thought I was. Yes...he REALLY did say those words to front of the entire class! I wish I knew then what I know now! ANYHOO...stay tuned for more details on my little giveaway and how you can enter to win...and then enter again, and then invite a friend and increase your chances even get the picture!
For now...this little birdie has MISSED you!